All orders are sent out from our warehouse in The Netherlands. Delivery time starts once the package is picked up from our warehouse.
Transit times
Country | Standard shipping | Transit time |
Netherlands | Free above €80 | 1 working day |
Germany/Belgium | Free above €80 | 1-2 working days |
Europe | Free above €80.- | 3-8 working days |
US/Canada | Free above €180.- | 7-8 working days |
Middle East | Free above €80.- | 20-30 working days |
Oceania | Free above €180.- | 7-8 working days |
Rest of world | Free above €80.- | 5-20 working days |
*We unfortunately do not ship to Ukraine, apologies for the inconvenience.
Easy returns within 30 days*. For more information please visit Don't Waste Culture - Return Center
*International orders have 40 days to return. Please contact us before registering.
Shipping information
- The shipping time starts once the package is picked up from our warehouse.
- All our shipments are tracked.
- All our orders are shipped out directly from our NL warehouse within 24 or 48 hours after the order is being placed.
- NL orders ordered before 15.00 will be shipped out same day. Orders placed after this time will be sent out the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on Monday.
- Please note we can't change or cancel orders once they are shipped out. If you have any questions please contact us.
Don't Waste Culture is not responsible for any import or custom fees from the shipment of your order. Please check your country terms to see if there will be extra costs.
Late or lost orders
When you place an order, please make sure you filled in the correct delivery adress. Don't Waste Culture is not responsible for any missing parcels that have been sent to wrong adresses or asked to leave with neighbours or outside your house.
Any problem with orders related to missing or lost items must be attended to us in an email to We'll start an investigation with the courier, so we can't refund any lost items until 20 working days after dispatching in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, and 30 working days for international orders. Our courier must classify the items as lost, before we can refund or resend your items.
Tracking shows received, but I never received my order
This could happen when items are sent to workplaces. Most of the times it has been delivered to a different company or a colleague. When this happens you can request a proof of delivery certificate by the courier.
Please note that we do not refund orders that are tracked as delivered. We recommend to ship your items to a secure adress.
My order is cancelled, but I don't know why
We work with fraud filters, that select and cancel all orders that have fraudulent signs. This could be that the billing adress is far from the shipping adress. Or many attempts to buy with a credit card. If this is the case, and you are a legit buyer, please contact us, we'll solve the problem.
We have a 30 day exchange or refund guarantee. Once this exceeds, we can't refund or exchange any item. We'll return the package to the customer once they send it after the 30 days limit.
We ship for free in The Netherlands, Belgium & Germany, and worldwide above an order amount of €80,-. However we will still charge the shipping costs we made from the total refund amount once a package is returned for a refund.
We are not responsible for any custom duties, such as VAT and import duty, from returned orders. You will be responsible for all costs and charges associated with your returned order. We do not refund lost returns. We recommend to send it with a tracked option.
How do I return or exchange an item?
- Please use: Don't Waste Culture - Return Center to return your item. Following steps will be shown there and by email.
- Easiest method to exchange your item is to send your item back to us, and order the good size or item already. This will prevent your item from being out of stock.
To qualify for a refund or exchange:
- Items must be in new state, unworn (except from trying on), and all hangtags and packaging included.
- The items must be back in our warehouse within 30 days after arriving.
Items which do not meet this, won't be accepted as returns.
Refund Policy
We'll refund in the original payment method you used once it's processed as return in our warehouse.
- This can take up to 14 days from arriving.
- Once it's processed, you'll get an e-mail notification.
- We'll refund the product costs excluding the shipment costs we made to ship your order.
I received a faulty or wrong item
First of all, we're sorry for any inconvenience. This may happen from factory or warehouse faults, like we are all humans. Please contact within 30 days after arriving. Please send the following information:
- Ordernumber
- Name of the item
- Problem description
- Photographic evidence
Uncollected shipments
We are not responsible for any uncollected shipments. Once we got it in return, we'll charge new shipping costs to send the package again.